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Ideas should be shared. As the principal communicator and culture builder at iuvo, I write and communicate extensively with our team. I also regularly write blogs and articles on linked-in to share my ideas or expand on others who have done great work.

Diagrams for AudioBook listeners for Leadership at the Edge, Embracing the HYPERLOOP Mindset to Accelerate Business Growth and Success.

This is a list of diagrams for the book that can be utilized for those listening to the audio book to enhance the experience.
The front book cover for - Leadership at the Edge - Embracing the HYPERLOOP Mindset to Accelerate Business Growth and Success

Resources from the book Leadership at the Edge – Embracing the Hyperloop Mindset to Accelerate Business Growth and Success

In my new book, “Leadership at the Edge, Embracing the Hyperloop Mindset to Accelerate Business Growth and Success,” there are significant resources for the reader to explore to learn more about the topics. While these are all referenced at the end of the book, they are more easily referenced as hyperlinks and thus are provided here.



Author’s Note

  1. Miranda, L. (Writer), & Kail, T. (Director). (2016, April 21). Hamilton: an american performance at the richard rodgers theatre.


  1. Figure 1. Hyperloop image – original art.


  1. ( 2005, December 1). In Wikipedia.


  1. Tracy,B. (N.D). Brian Tracy International .


  1. Recycling Motto. Think globally, act locally (2006,February 17). In Wikipedia.,_act_locally
  2. PayPal Mafia. (2009, December,4). In Wikipedia


Part 1 – Core Concepts

  1. Figure 2. People achieving goals together. Original Image.

Chapter 1 – Culture


  1. Dodge, I. (2008, August, 3 ). Why VCs look for 10X returns – What you need to know when pitching a VC firm, Typepad.—what-you-need-to-know-when-pitching-a-vc-firm.html.


  1. Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Culture. In dictionary. Retrieved December 23, 2023, from


  1. (n.d.). Culture in Retrieved December 23,2023.


  1. Queens University of Charlotte Online. (2022). Communicating in the modern workplace. Queens University of Charlotte.


  1. Sander, P. (2011). What would steve jobs do? how the steve jobs way can inspire anyone to think differently and win. MCGraw Hill.


  1. Welch, J. Welch, S. (2009). Winning: the ultimate business how-to book, p.7, Harper Collins


  1. (2020, April 20). iuvo customer testimonial – kon [Video]. YouTube.


  1. Schroeder, P. (2022, September 2). Hire smart people and let them tell you what to do — just like Steve Jobs did. Medium.


  1. Jager, R. D, Rafael, O. (1998). In the company of giants: candid conversations with the visionaries of the digital world. McGraw Hill


  1. Schreiber-Shearer, N. (2023, November 29). Top companies with successful mentoring Programs. Gloat.


  1. Hyken, S. (2023, May 11). Moments of Magic.


  1. McCord, P. (2014, January-February). How Netflix reinvented Harvard Business Review.


  1. Hsieh, T. (2010 ). Delivering happiness: a path to profits, passion, and purpose. Grand Central Publishing


  1. Hyder, S. (2021, February 26). How to implement culture change in a 70-year-old company—without an employee rebellion. Forbes.



  1. Vega, N. (2021, August 24). Tim cook became ceo of apple 10 years ago. Here’s how much money you’d have if you invested $1,000 in the tech giant the day he took over. CNBC.


Chapter 2 – Brand

  1. Beilman, B, Figure 4 -brand and culture coin – Original Art
  2. Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Brand In dictionary. Retrieved December 23, 2023, from
  3. Lloyd, T. (2019, July 18). Defining what a brand is; why is it so hard? EmotiveBrand.


  1. Bonner, K. (2019, July 12). Breaking down a brand, branding put simply. Foster Marketing.
  2. The Nielson Company. (2012, April). A neilson report – global trust in advertising and brand messages – April 2012 – The nielson company.
  3. Wikipedia contributors. (2022, September 19). Brand equity. Wikipedia.


  1. Christian Loubiton. (n.d). LinkedIn. (Retrieved, December 22,2023)


  1. McCord, I. (2014, January-February). How Netflix reinvented Harvard Business Review.


  1. Doz, Y.L. (2017, November 23). The strategic decisions that caused nokia’s failure. instead, the strategic decisions that caused nokia’s failure. | INSEAD Knowledge.
  2. Lischer, B. (2022, October 5). What Is A Brand? Ignyte.
  3. Spiers, C. (2021, August 2). Brand vs culture – does it matter? HR Magazine.



Chapter 3  GRIT


  1. Lee, T, Duckworth, A.L. (2018, September 18). What gritty companies Look like. Harvard Business Review.


  1. Zoldan, A. (2018, July 2). 5 Ways to build grit and perseverance across your team, maintaining your chutzpah and grit is essential for all leaders.


  1. (2018, September 14). Jeff bezos at the economic club of washington (9/13/18) [Video]. YouTube.


  1. Larson, J. A., McClellan, B. E. Clark, M. (2017, September 15). Capturing loyalty: how to measure, generate, and profit from highly satisfied customers. Praeger


  1. Ali, M, Ali, H. Y. (2013, May 18). The soul of a butterfly: reflections on a life’s journey. Simon and Shuster


  1. Tedesqui, R. A. B., Young, B. W. (2017). Investigating grit variables and their relations with practice and skill groups in developing sport experts. High Ability Studies, 28(2), 167-180.


  1. Hill, P. L., Burrow, A. L., & Bronk, K. C. (2016). Persevering with positivity and purpose: an examination of purpose commitment and positive affect as predictors of grit. Journal of Happiness Studies: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Subjective Well-Being, 17(1), 257–269.


  1. Schwantes, M. (2016, July 26). Science says 92 percent of people don’t achieve their goals. here’s how the other 8 percent do if you’re serious about goal setting, here’s what the high achievers know that you may not., Inc.


  1. Finkel, D. (2020, January 16). Entrepreneurs may be particularly susceptible to shiny object syndrome. here’s how to cure it. Nine out of ten business owners said that they have struggled with shiny object syndrome at least once in their own business journey. Inc



Chapter 4 Resilience

  1. . (n.d.). Resilience In dictionary. Retrieved January 15, 2024, from
  1. Hashim, A. (2020, Aug 5). Case Study by Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Operational Risk and Resilience in times of COVID [Video].  YouTube.


  1. Maheshwari, A. (2023, May 21). Netflix’s chaos monkey: How netflix makes systems more resilient. LinkedIn.


  1.  Mbethe, D. (2021, June 10). Resilient employees make for resilient businesses. LinkedIn.


  1. Lee, B. (1971), “Be water my friend” bruce lee (The lost interview)- Pierre berton show.[Video]. YouTube.



Chapter 5  Core Values

  1. Chesky, I. (2014, April 20). Don’t Fuck up the Culture. Medium. .
  2. Lina, J. (2018, April 11). Most employees don’t know their company’s corporate values. Fond.
  3. ihire. (2021, October 13). Let your core values be your guide: Survey results.
  4. Sadden, J. (2022, September 20). How establishing shared core values drives business growth. Valesco Industries.
  5. Baumgartner, N. (2020, April 8). Build a Culture That Aligns with People’s Values. Harvard Business Review.
  1. Lencioni, P.M. (2022, September 13). Make your values mean something. Harvard Business Review.
  2. Discover. Mission, vision & values. Discover. Retrieved January 15, 2024
  3. Macc, K. (2017, April 10.). Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.  – Warren bennis. LinkedIn.
  4. Zak, P. J. (2021, August 31). The neuroscience of trust. Harvard Business Review.
  5. Frei, F. X., and Anne Morriss. (2020) Unleashed: The unapologetic leader’s guide to empowering everyone around you. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press
  6. Sinek, S. (2020, June 26). What Makes the Highest Performing Teams in the World. [Video]. YouTube.



Chapter 6 Open-Door Communication

  1. Geneen, H. (1985). Leadership. Managing., (pp. 113). Avon Books
  2. Case, J. (1996). Open-Book management, The coming business revolution.  Harper Business
  3. Case, B. F. a. J. (2017, July 25). The business case for open-book management. Forbes.
  4. Yahoo! data breaches. (2016, September 22).in Wikipedia.!_data_breaches
  5. McCoy, K. (2017, May 23). Target to pay $18.5M for 2013 data breach that affected 41 million consumers. USA Today.


Part 2 – Building Your Hyperloop

  1. Beilman, B. Figure 4 -Hyperloop Station – Original Art


Chapter 7

  1. Beilman, B . Figure 4 -Company Dashboard – Original Art



Chapter 8 Define your Why

  1. Sinek, S. (2009). Start with why: how great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Portfolio
  2. Collins, J. (2001). Good to great: why some companies make the leap and others don’t. Harper Business


Chapter 9 Core Values

  1. Blumenthal, N. (2017, March 6). Warby parker ceo: the one thing we ask employees to do every week. Fortune.


Chapter 10 Hiring A+ Players


  1. Collins, J. (2001). Good to great: why some companies make the leap and others don’t. Harper Business


  1. Jager, R D, Rafael, O. (1998). “In the company of giants: candid conversations with the visionaries of the digital world”, McGraw Hill


  1. Manpower. (2023). 2023 Global talent shortage. Manpower Group.


  1. Schwantes, M. (2017,October 17).  Steve jobs once gave some brilliant management advice on hiring top people. here it is in 2 sentences every boss in a hiring role should appreciate this simple yet profound advice from the former head of apple. Inc.


  1. Gallup. (2023). The state of the global workplace: 2023 report. Gallup.


  1. Greenhouse. (2018, September 6) The recruiter’s cheat sheet to employer branding and recruitment marketing. Greenhouse.


  1. Linkedin. (2023).  2023 Workplace learning report. Building the agile future. Linkedin.


  1. LinkedIN. (2018). Workplace learning & development report 2018 | LinkedIn Learning.



Chapter 11 Nurture People

  1. Jobs, S. (2008, March 7). Steve jobs’ 2005 stanford commencement address. YouTube.
  2. Steimer, S. (2021, Oct 28).  Mihaly csikszentmihalyi, pioneering psychologist and ‘father of flow,’ 1934–2021. University of Chicago.
  1. Darnell, D, Markey, R. (2018, February 7). Net promoter for people: give employees a voice, get their best net promoter® for people is about empowering employees to bring energy, enthusiasm and creativity to delight customers.


  1. Staerk, A. (2019, December 7).  What do lord kelvin and peter drucker have in common? LinkedIn.


  1. Preston, C. (2017, December 13). Promoting employee happiness benefits everyone. Forbes.


  1. Lencioni, P. (2015, November 16). The truth about employee engagement: A fable about addressing the three root causes of job misery. Jossey-Bass


  1. LinkedIn. (N.D.)  The ultimate list of employer brand statistics for hiring managers, hr professionals, and recruiters small to mid-sized business edition. LinkedIn.


  1. Forbes. (2021, January 20). 11 Strategies for praising employee work (without causing team resentment). Forbes Young Entrepreneurship Council.


  1. RedTab Foundation(N.D.). Levi Strauss.


  1. Rodriquez, J. (2019, April 29). How companies can help employees in hard times. Aspen Institute.


  1. Aspen Institute. (2019, April). Illuminating a hidden safety net: lessons from research into employee hardship fund. Aspen Institute.


Chapter 12 Collaborate


  1. Fierce, Inc. (2021, October 4). Employees cite lack of collaboration for workplace failures | Fierce. Fierce.


  1. Burgin, M., Meißner, G. (2017). 1 + 1 = 3: Synergy arithmetic in economics. Applied Mathematics, 08(02), (pp. 133–144).



Chapter 13 Empower


  1.  Schultz, Howard. (N.D.)

People want guidance, not rhetoric. They need to know what the plan of action is and how it will be implemented. They want to be given the responsibility to help solve the problem and the authority to act on it. LinkedIn.


  1. Royal, K. (2022, April 29). Who’s responsible for employee engagement.


  1. Schmidt, E., & Rosenberg, J. (2014). How google works. Grand Central Publishing.


  1. Shaw, C. (2014, August 21). What we can learn from google’s empowered culture. LinkedIn.


  1. Sinek, S. (2012, August 9). When we tell people to do their jobs, we get workers. when we trust people to get the job done, we get leaders. X (Formerly Twitter).


  1. Kimmel, B. (2019, June 14). Trust starts with trustworthy leadership. It must be built into the corporate culture. X (Formerly Twitter).



Chapter 14 Review and Revise

  1. Solnit, R. (2004, April 1). Hope in the Dark. Canongate Books Ltd


Chapter 15

  1. Schmidt, I., & Rosenberg, I. (2014). How google works. Grand Central Publishing.

Author – Bryon D Beilman